Building a DIY Oscilloscope

Building a DIY Oscilloscope

Sep 13, 2017    

Using a inexpensive kit of parts available online, I assembled a DIY data logging oscilloscope (basically a graphing calculator that lets you visualize electrical signals). With the kit, there is a good amount of soldering that is required to make the printed circuit board for the device.

Oscilloscope Cable

The kit can be found on many online shopping marketplaces with the keywords “DSO Oscilloscope DIY Kit” and “JYE Tech”. The end product is a small lightweight oscilloscope with a color LCD display, standard BNC connector for test leads. It can measure AC or DC signals, generates a 1kHz signal to testing, and can calculate various parameters about a electrical signal including Voltage Min, Max, RMS, Peak-to-Peak, Frequency, and Duty Cycle. This can come in handy for testing, diagnosing problems, and troubleshooting on everything from robots to cars.

Oscilloscope Parts